Chair of Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products at European Medicines Agency (EMA), Division Europe and International Affairs at MEB, Vice Chair of Regulatory Science Committee of IRDiRC

Dr. Violeta Stoyanova-Beninska is the Chair of the Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products at the European Medicines Agency (EMA) since 2018. Before that she has been member of the COMP representing The Netherlands, Chair of the National Scientific and Regulatory Advice at the Medicines Evaluation Board, member of CNS working party and Scientific advice working party at EMA. Violeta is Vice chair of the Regulatory Scientific Committee of IRDiRC.

She is also member of scientific and advisory boards of international projects related to rare diseases, personalized medicine and orphan drug development. Beside her work as a regulator, Violeta is academic supervisor of PhD and master students, guest faculty at several universities, member of editorial board/reviewer panel in scientific peer reviewed journals.